On Board Right From the Start
Kimberly Büsching has been part of the Brueder Schlau Group since 2019. She had already completed her training as a wholesale and foreign trade management assistant at the headquarters in Porta Westfalica and was subsequently taken on in the Legal & Compliance department. She is now Team Leader of Compliance and continues to develop this still relatively new department together with her colleagues.
The Compliance Team deals with the adherence and implementation of statutory regulations and guidelines within the company. “We are responsible for ensuring that laws and measures, such as the Whistleblower Protection Act, are applied and implemented within the company. This also includes providing our colleagues with comprehensive information and instruction,” says Kimberly Büsching. During her training, she had the opportunity to work in all departments within the central administration. She was particularly interested in the Legal & Compliance Department, which quickly made her realise that she wanted to continue working there.

Development of new structures and standards
„We implement new processes, optimise existing ones
and create corresponding guidelines and associated
training measures for our colleagues.“
As the department is constantly evolving, the development of new structures and standards is part of her daily tasks. “We implement new processes, optimise existing ones and create corresponding guidelines and associated training measures for our colleagues,” reports the 25-year-old. There is therefore no typical, standardised working day, and that is precisely what appeals to her. “I helped set up the department and appreciate the opportunity to take on the role of team leader in a new field.” She particularly enjoys working in an area that is legally defined by regulations and laws, but where she still has a lot of room to manoeuvre. “We have the opportunity to help shape the company and its culture in the long term through our work. Compliance is becoming increasingly important for companies, as coordinated measures can minimise liability risks and avoid reputational damage,” says Kimberly Büsching.
Colleague structure and pleasant and respectful cooperation
Kimberly also has fond memories of her first experiences as a new trainee: “I felt very welcome straight away. You are taken by the hand, given the opportunity to familiarise yourself with every department within the head office and quickly come into contact with many colleagues.” In 2023, Kimberly then sat on the other side at the trainee starter week and was able to introduce the department to the new trainees and act as a contact person there.
Within the Legal & Compliance Department, she positively emphasises the colleague structure and the pleasant and respectful cooperation. Levelling hierarchies, always having an open ear and a strong team spirit are particularly important to her. “We work together to achieve the Group’s goals, no-one cooks their own soup.”
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